Year 8

 Year 8

Term 1

The first project in Year 8 looks at the work of Australian Aboriginal artists - paintings which reflect the beliefs and stories of this most ancient of civilisations. Students look at some of the codes and conventions of Aboriginal art and try to create a piece portraying their house animal (Dragon/Pheonix/Pegasus) in a similar style.

Key Artist: Narratjin Maymuru


Term 2

In term 2, year 8 students investigate the work of renowned Austrian painter, architect and ecologist Hundertwasser. They use his bright colours and fantastical landscapes to inspire their own whimsical , fairytale cities.

Key Artist: Friedensreich Hundertwasser


Term 3

Term 3 sees the year 8's exploring the Mexican festival "Day of the Dead" this is an interesting subject due to the vast amount of folk art produced by the Mexican people. It also gives us a chance to study the work of renowned Mexican artists Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. The final piece incorporates a range of 3-D and 2-D techniques.

Key Artists: Diego Rivera, Mexican Folk Art



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